Tekken: Dealing with Snake Edge Spammers in the Community

A Tekken player faces constant frustration dealing with a snake edge spammer. See how the community reacts!

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Tekken, encountering a player who constantly uses snake edge can be both annoying and challenging. Snake edge, a move infamous for its low-hitting properties, often leads to frustration and heated exchanges among players. Recently, a Reddit post captured this exact sentiment, shedding light on how the community perceives such behavior.


  • Snake edge spamming in Tekken provokes mixed reactions within the community.
  • Some find it frustrating and label the player as a ‘scrub.’
  • Others appreciate the challenge it presents and acknowledge the skill required to counter it.

Community Reactions

Despite the annoyance caused by snake edge spammers, some users like ‘Dietcigarettesupreme’ took a different approach, diverting the discussion to the equipment used by the player, showcasing a lighthearted tone amidst the frustration.

The Psychology Behind the Spamming

‘Crimson-Cream’ humorously expressed their take on resorting to snake edge spamming, highlighting an alternative perspective on the situation by joking about using it even in challenging circumstances.

Tips and Strategies

‘Darqnyz7’ shared a personal strategy of using Xiaoyu’s snake edge in a clever manner, emphasizing the tactical aspect of incorporating such moves into gameplay.

‘Ninja_Warrior_X’ added a touch of humor with a reference to the anxiety-inducing ‘Snaaaake!’ cry, resonating with players familiar with the intensity such moments bring in Tekken battles.

Whether seen as a nuisance or a strategic tool, snake edge spamming continues to spark discussions and reactions among Tekken players, showcasing the diverse perspectives within the community.