Tekken: Embracing a New Main in the Community

In the world of Tekken, changing mains is like changing your allegiance. Dive into the community's thoughts on this common transition.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the realm of fighters and combos, finding a new main in Tekken can be a pivotal decision. Whether it’s due to hitting a roadblock, boredom, or just wanting a fresh start, transitioning to a new main character is a journey many players undertake.


  • Switching mains in Tekken is a common occurrence influenced by various factors, from hitting a plateau to seeking a change of pace.
  • Players find joy and progress in embracing new main characters, exploring different playstyles and strategies.
  • Community support and camaraderie are prevalent as players celebrate each other’s decisions to switch mains and offer advice and encouragement.

Positive Vibes in the Community

Many players in the Tekken subreddit resonate with the idea of changing mains for personal growth and enjoyment rather than sticking to one character indefinitely. For some, like Financial-Cancel7799, the allure of a new main character like Reina makes the transition exciting, bringing a fresh perspective to their gameplay experience. The community response to these changes is overwhelmingly positive, with fellow players welcoming and supporting each other’s decisions.

Exploring New Horizons

Players like HotArticle1062 highlight the learning opportunities that come with switching mains, showcasing the depth and intricacies of different characters. The journey of rediscovering a previously abandoned main character, like Lars in this case, illustrates how evolving perspectives and skillsets can enhance gameplay experiences. This openness to exploration and growth is a recurring theme in the community discussions surrounding main character switches.

Embracing the Diversity of Characters

From discussions about trying out new characters like Lidia to celebrating the strengths and quirks of mains like Lili, the Tekken community embraces the diverse range of playstyles and preferences. The freedom to experiment with different characters reflects a desire for variety and personalization in gameplay experiences. This inclusivity within the community fosters a sense of camaraderie and shared enthusiasm for character diversity.