Tekken: Exploring the Impact of CD1+2 Move in the Reddit Community

Discover the buzz around the CD1+2 move in Tekken and the community's reactions to its gameplay impact.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Tekken, one move is causing quite a stir. FloppusUwU’s post on Reddit delves into the wonders of the CD1+2 move in the game. Let’s see what the community has to say about this game-changer!


  • Players are in awe of the satisfaction that the move brings, leading to a desire to master Kazuya.
  • The move evokes memories of iconic moments in the game, adding to its allure.
  • Some users express admiration for the finesse displayed by skilled players.

The Satisfaction of the Move

TemkinSammich captures the essence of the move, expressing the desire to play Kazuya due to the evident satisfaction in landing it. The feeling of success in executing such a move resonates strongly within the community.

Nostalgic References

Admirable-Store9362’s realization of the move being the one that ‘killed’ Hei showcases how impactful in-game moments translate to memorable experiences for players, adding layers of depth to the gameplay.

Aspirations of Mastery

Blortug’s yearning to play Kazuya with the same level of skill highlights the inspirational effect of witnessing expert gameplay, fueling the ambition of others to reach similar heights.

Gozie5’s comparison of the move to the iconic Falcon Punch underlines the significance players attribute to impactful and visually striking maneuvers, tying emotions and memories to gameplay experiences.

The mysterious allure and beauty of Kazuya’s moveset is encapsulated in CuriousAsker11’s humorous reference, further emphasizing the personality and charm that players associate with their favorite characters.

ReliefNo5131’s inquiry about executing the move efficiently on console platforms showcases the community’s eagerness to learn and improve, fostering an environment of support and shared knowledge among players.

UddersPlease’s clarification about the Tekken notation highlights the communal aspect of the subreddit, where enthusiasts come together to discuss and dissect the intricacies of the game, fostering a sense of community and camaraderie.

The discussions and interactions within the Reddit post epitomize the passion and dedication of the Tekken community towards their beloved game, where shared experiences, aspirations, and nostalgia blend to create a vibrant and supportive environment for players old and new, united by their love for Tekken and all its intricacies.