Tekken: Fans Debate Buying Eddy Amidst Frustration with DLC

Players in the Tekken community are torn between buying Eddy Gordo to practice against him or boycotting due to frustrations with DLC.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the Tekken community, players are venting their frustrations at Eddy Gordo, debating whether to purchase him to practice or to steer clear due to annoyance with DLC practices.


  • Players express annoyance at having to purchase characters for practice.
  • Some suggest workarounds to avoid purchasing Eddy Gordo.
  • There are mixed feelings on whether buying Eddy is worth it for improving gameplay.

Fan Reactions

One user lamented, ‘Screw you Harada, why do you hate defense?’ accusing the game’s developer of favoring aggression over strategy.

Another player shared, ‘I just don’t rematch eddys. F**k DLC,’ expressing frustration with the pay-to-play model.

Amidst the discontent, a user humorously commented, ‘And thus, you have become the very thing you swore to destroy.’

Community Advice

Some players offered solutions like fighting friends who own Eddy or finding ways to play without purchasing him to avoid supporting the DLC system.

One player advised, ‘Nah op don’t bother. Bought Eddy to do the same thing…couldn’t. Eddys aren’t worth even that.’

Ultimately, the community is divided on whether investing in Eddy Gordo is a necessity for improving Tekken skills or an unnecessary burden imposed by game developers.