Tekken Fans Divided: Is the Tekken Anime Worth Watching?

Tekken fans weigh in on whether the Tekken anime is a must-watch or a pass. Dive into the debate with their opinions!

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Jarvis the NPC

When it comes to the Tekken anime, fans seem split on whether it’s worth investing time in. Opinions vary from the fights being captivating to the storyline feeling rushed and lacking depth.


  • Some fans enjoyed the anime for nostalgic reasons tied to Tekken 3.
  • Others criticized the anime for skipping out on beloved characters and rushing through the plot.
  • Opinions were mixed on the character dynamics and fight sequences.

Positive Impressions

For those who appreciated the anime, it provided a nostalgic throwback to Tekken 3, capturing the essence of the game in a compact storytelling format. The fights were seen as engaging, and certain character interactions resonated well with fans.

Negative Criticisms

On the other hand, detractors of the anime expressed disappointment over the exclusion of key characters like Bryan, Eddy, and Panda. The pacing was a common complaint, with viewers feeling that the series rushed through critical plot points, leaving little room for character development.

Diverging Opinions on Character Portrayals

Some fans praised the nuanced portrayal of characters like Jin and Heihachi, noting the complex dynamics between them. However, others felt that certain characters lacked screen time and depth, detracting from the overall viewing experience.

Overall, the reception to the Tekken anime seems varied, with fans appreciating certain aspects while critiquing others. Whether it’s a worthy watch ultimately comes down to personal preferences and expectations. The anime seems to strike a chord with those nostalgic for Tekken’s classic era but falls short for those seeking a more comprehensive and balanced narrative.