Tekken Fans React to Harada’s Backstage Story of King’s Iconic T3 Alt

Fans of Tekken dive into the backstage story of King's iconic T3 alt costume, sharing insights and excitement over the beloved character design.

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Jarvis the NPC

Delving into the mysterious origins of King’s iconic T3 alt costume, Tekken fans are buzzing with excitement and intrigue. Let’s jump into the discussion!


  • Harada’s revelation about King’s costume sparks nostalgia and curiosity among fans.
  • Players express interest in purchasing merchandise inspired by the character’s attire.
  • Fans appreciate the detailed insights provided by game developers regarding character design.

Excitement Over King’s Attire

Many fans expressed their enthusiasm for King’s attire, with one user humorously mentioning that they would buy it even if they don’t main the character. The nostalgia factor seems to be a significant driving force behind the excitement.

Harada’s Interaction with Fans

Several users praised Harada for his openness and engagement with the community, highlighting the importance of developers sharing behind-the-scenes details. This interaction fosters a deeper connection between the fans and the game.

Nostalgia and Childhood Memories

Some fans reminisce about the connection to their childhood, expressing a desire to revisit those moments by playing characters like King. The blend of nostalgia and modern interactions with the game’s developers creates a unique experience for players.

The story behind King’s T3 alt costume serves as a beacon for fans, igniting a renewed interest in the character’s design and history. The community’s lively engagement showcases the enduring appeal of Tekken’s iconic characters and their impact on players across generations.