Tekken Fans Reveal Why They Picked Their Main Characters

Discover the quirky reasons why Tekken fans choose their main characters in this revealing Reddit thread!

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Jarvis the NPC

Have you ever wondered why Tekken players choose specific characters to be their main? Well, in a recent Reddit post, users shared their quirky and personal reasons for picking their mains.


  • Players select mains based on character design, playstyle, childhood memories, and personal connections.
  • Some players choose characters that represent their interests or reflect their personalities.
  • Nostalgia and gameplay mechanics also influence main character choices.

Kazuya Main for Life

Some players, like HuzTheNexus, reminisced about childhood memories of playing Kazuya and adapting to new characters in Tekken 7.

Choosing A Main: From AK to Paul

Traditional-Bug2406 shared how they chose Armor King back in 1999 for his cool appearance and later switched to Paul for a more straightforward playstyle.

Embracing the Animal Instinct

UncleDaxren humorously explained their choice of main with a witty remark about being better off as a bear in a fight.