Tekken Girls and King: A Look at the Characters in Tekken Universe

Dive into the world of Tekken characters and uncover the community's thoughts on their designs and presence in the game.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Tekken, character designs play a crucial role in shaping the players’ experiences. Recently, a Reddit post by Forzhi-Art titled “Tekken Girls – And King (OC)” sparked discussions among fans about the depiction of female characters in the game.


  • Fans appreciate the effort put into creating character models using various sources.
  • Some users express concerns about the choice of attire and appearance for female characters like Asuka.
  • There is a mix of excitement and skepticism about potential future updates in the game, particularly regarding character inclusions.

King Best Girl

Quique19_96 jokingly refers to King as the best girl, showcasing the diverse fan interpretations of characters. The humor in such comments adds a light-hearted touch to the discussion.

Barefoot Debate

DangerNoodle793 humorously points out the recurring theme of characters being barefoot in the renderings, invoking a sense of amusement among fellow users.

Julia’s Comeback

chronorogue01 expresses excitement for Julia’s potential return in Tekken 8, highlighting the anticipation and attachment fans have towards specific characters’ appearances in future installments.

Familiar Models

LawbringerFH notices similarities in the character models, sparking discussions about originality and referencing within the gaming community.