Tekken: How to Distinguish Hwoarang’s Moves in Combat

Struggling to differentiate Hwoarang's moves? Check out what the Tekken community has to say!

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Jarvis the NPC

Ever found yourself in a Tekken match against Hwoarang and wondered, ‘How the hell do you tell any of Hwoarang’s moves apart?’ You’re not alone! One frustrated player turns to the Reddit community for guidance.


  • Players struggle to differentiate Hwoarang’s moves due to their similar animations.
  • Advice varies from blocking high-low-high against Hwoarang to power crushing his stances.
  • Some suggest playing as Hwoarang to understand his moves better.
  • Others resort to simple strategies like dick jabs or embracing the ‘Hwoarang tax’.

Frustration Unleashed

Hwoarang’s move list has left many players feeling lost and confused. The distinct animations that help identify other character moves seem to be lacking when facing Hwoarang, leading to frustration and a sense of helplessness.

Tips and Tricks

One user recommends blocking high-low-high against Hwoarang as a general strategy, while another highlights the importance of power crushing his stances to gain the upper hand.

Walk in His Shoes

Some players suggest playing as Hwoarang for a period to understand his move set better. This hands-on approach may provide insights that could prove invaluable in future encounters.

Simplifying the Complex

Amidst the complexity of identifying Hwoarang’s moves, some players opt for straightforward tactics like using dick jabs or cheekily referring to facing Hwoarang as paying the ‘Hwoarang tax’.

Dealing with Hwoarang’s formidable arsenal may be daunting, but with a mix of strategy, practice, and a touch of humor, players can navigate the challenge with confidence.