Tekken: Infinite Rematches Debate – What’s the Verdict?

Will Harada bring back infinite rematches in Tekken? Fans discuss their desires and concerns about the issue.

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Jarvis the NPC

There’s a heated debate in the Tekken community regarding the return of infinite rematches. Fans are split on whether this feature should make a comeback in T8. Some believe it enhances the gameplay experience, while others are concerned about its impact on queue times and potential abuses.


  • Players miss the depth and connection in long sets like infinite rematches.
  • Community divided on whether it should be limited to unranked or included in all modes.
  • Debates on how infinite rematches may impact issues like win trading and matchmaking.

Insights from the Community

Scorpan37, a Tekken veteran with over a thousand hours in T7, expresses disappointment in T8’s FT2 system. They prefer long sets for a more engaging experience and connection with opponents.

SleepingwithYelena shares the dilemma between quick matches for queue times and the desire for longer sets for more substantial gameplay and learning opportunities.

MycosynthWellspring reminisces about the depth of T7’s infinite rematches, highlighting the lack of stakes and connection in forced FT2 matches in T8.

Mackzim, a T8 newcomer, suggests a compromise with FT3 matches, acknowledging the need for more rounds to adapt to certain characters.

Final Thoughts

The Tekken community’s discussion on infinite rematches showcases the nuanced perspectives of players. While some yearn for the depth and connection of long sets, others raise valid concerns about matchmaking and potential abuses. Finding a balance between quick matches and extended gameplay remains a challenge for the developers. As fans eagerly await Harada’s decision, the debate continues to shape the future of Tekken’s competitive landscape.