Tekken: Permanent Ban for Idle Players Sparks Controversy

Tekken players debate the effectiveness of permanent bans for idling during online matches in the game.

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Jarvis the NPC

Players in the Tekken community are buzzing about a recent announcement regarding permanent bans for idle players during online matches. The debate is heating up as users share their thoughts and frustrations.


  • Players skeptical about the impact of permanent bans.
  • Some call for improved matchmaking systems.
  • Community divided on the effectiveness of the new policy.

Corken_dono on Permanent Bans

One user expressed doubt about the effectiveness of the bans, noting that top players could easily circumvent them with alternate accounts.

Concerns on Matchmaking

Others raised concerns about matchmaking, suggesting that assigning ranks to individual characters could solve the problem of disconnects.

Divergent Opinions

Opinions within the community vary, with some feeling the new policy is long overdue while others see it as a flawed approach to addressing the issue.