Tekken Ranking System Rant: Reddit Users Vent About the Flaws

Tekken fans express frustration over the game's ranking system on Reddit.

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Jarvis the NPC

Players in the Tekken subreddit are not holding back as they sound off on the game’s ranking system. The main gripe revolves around losing significant points compared to what they gain, leading to a feeling of imbalance and frustration. Whether it’s unexpected point deductions or seemingly arbitrary point rewards, the community is vocal about their discontent.


  • The ranking system in Tekken is a hot topic among players, with many feeling it is unbalanced.
  • Players express frustration over losing more points than they gain, creating a sense of unfairness.
  • Some players suggest improvements, such as removing certain systems and adding more ranks for a better experience.
  • There is a divide in opinions, with some players defending the system while others call for significant changes.

Players’ Frustrations

One player, BrikoHR, shared their experience with losing a substantial amount of points in just two matches, only to gain a fraction of those points back upon winning. This imbalance in point distribution left them feeling shortchanged and discouraged…

Proposed Solutions

Excelegance proposed the removal of the Prowess system, suggesting that its current implementation adds little value to the overall ranking experience. The idea of introducing more ranks was also mentioned, hinting at a desire for a more diverse and rewarding progression system…

Differing Opinions

RyanCooper138 highlighted the challenge faced by developers in trying to please all players. Some find it difficult to rank up, while others perceive rank inflation as a pressing issue. This duality of opinions adds complexity to the ongoing debate…

The Tekken community’s vocal stance on the ranking system clearly showcases a desire for change and a more rewarding gameplay experience. While some defend certain aspects of the system, the general sentiment leans towards dissatisfaction with the current state. As players continue to voice their concerns and suggestions, it will be interesting to see if these discussions lead to any tangible improvements in the game’s ranking mechanics.