Tekken Scandal: JDCR vs AK – Was it Sabotage?

A suspicious incident during a Tekken match sparks controversy among fans. Was it sabotage or just a coincidence?

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Tekken, scandals can rock even the fiercest competitions. A recent post on Reddit has sparked a heated debate among fans about a possible sabotage incident during a match between JDCR and AK. According to the post, multiple attempts to connect during crucial moments of the match have raised suspicions of foul play.


  • Allegations of sabotage arise in a Tekken match between JDCR and AK.
  • Fans express concerns about the timing of the connection attempts and their impact on the game.
  • Calls for investigation into the incident and the need for better tournament setups.

The Fans’ Outcry

One user, ChanceYam2278, speculated about external forces trying to hinder JDCR’s performance, painting him as a powerful figure facing adversity. Another fan, MassiveBlackHole99, pointed out the suspicious timing of the connection issues, suggesting foul play. Deb_806 called for organizers to investigate the incidents, questioning the use of a PC setup for tournaments to avoid such issues.

Divided Opinions

While some fans like Symon_joestar stayed cautious, not jumping to conclusions about sabotage, others like IHateWhateverUrSayin raised questions about who was on the setup before the players. MoonThatNeverSets provided a broader perspective, highlighting similar incidents in other matches and cautioning against quick judgments and unnecessary backlash on AK’s side.

Fan Theories and Lighter Moments

Amidst the serious discussions, ZiggyZero lightened the mood with a reference to ‘green hagrid,’ while CitizenCrab added a playful twist with a meme-like comment. Master_1055 brought a touch of humor by describing a character with a peculiar appearance, creating a comical interlude amidst the intense debate.