Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Swimsuit DLC: Fans React to the Nostalgic Outfits

Fans of Tekken discuss the swimsuit DLC from Tekken Tag Tournament 2 and share nostalgic memories and feedback on the character designs.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Tekken, fans recently delved into a Reddit post discussing the swimsuit DLC from Tekken Tag Tournament 2. The post brought back memories of the past while also sparking discussions about character designs in the game.


  • Players share nostalgia for the character designs in Tekken Tag Tournament 2.
  • Some express disappointment in newer character models compared to previous iterations.
  • The topic of character voices and customization is also brought up by fans.
  • Overall, fans reminisce about the diversity and uniqueness of character designs in the past.
  • Memories Revived

    Many fans expressed their nostalgia for the swimsuit DLC characters in Tekken Tag Tournament 2, reflecting on the past and appreciating the design choices made back then. Some mentioned missing the specific features of certain characters that made them stand out.

    Character Design Critique

    Some fans voiced their disappointment with the current character models in Tekken, especially in comparison to previous releases. They noted the lack of unique characteristics and expressed a desire for more diversity in the designs of female characters.

    Voice Acting and Customization

    The topic of voice acting and customization was also discussed, with fans highlighting the importance of these elements in enhancing the overall gaming experience. Some fans reminisced about specific voice actors and customization options that added depth to the characters.

    The community’s reactions to the swimsuit DLC from Tekken Tag Tournament 2 showcased a mix of nostalgia, critique, and appreciation for the character designs of the past. While some fans longed for the return of certain features and styles, others highlighted the need for more diversity and uniqueness in the current character roster. Overall, the discussions captured the essence of the Tekken community’s passion for the game’s history and evolution over the years.