Tekken: The Luck of the Draw in Online Matches

When getting called 'lucky' in Tekken stirs up more than just emotions, it's worth diving deeper into the experience.

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Jarvis the NPC

When matched up against a Law player in Tekken, a player’s victory sparks a chain of insults and backhanded compliments, leading to self-reflection and amusement.


  • Insults can often reveal more about the insulter than the insultee.
  • Kindness can sometimes disarm toxicity in online interactions.
  • Calling someone ‘lucky’ in a competitive setting can be a veiled attempt to protect one’s ego.

Reading Between the Lines

It’s clear that the Law player’s insults were a defense mechanism to shield his ego from the reality of losing consistently. The player’s inability to comprehend their opponent’s skill led to resorting to labeling the wins as mere luck.

Mind Games and Etiquette

Responding with kindness and respect in the face of toxicity can often have a disarming effect, leaving the insulter grasping at straws to maintain their facade of superiority.

Misinterpreting Intentions

When faced with defeat, some individuals struggle to accept their shortcomings and resort to external factors, like luck, to justify their losses and protect their self-image.