Tekken: The Only Acceptable Character in this Thread

Discover the new main character in Tekken that has everyone buzzing! Is this character truly the only acceptable choice? Find out!

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Tekken, there’s always a debate about which character is the best to main. Recently, Reddit user ShadowHeartRuby has made a claim that they have found the only acceptable character to main in Tekken. This has sparked a discussion in the Tekken subreddit, with players sharing their thoughts on the new main character.


  • Opinions are split on the new main character, with some players loving its unique design and abilities.
  • Others feel that any character can be a main, depending on the player’s skill and playstyle.
  • Some users are questioning the character’s strange appearance and its compatibility with the rest of the Tekken roster.

The Only Acceptable Main?

One user, HappyAngron, expressed their admiration for the new main character, saying, “Imagine this but in wood and a sprout on top of his head.” This comment highlights the unique design of the character, which seems to have resonated with some players.

On the other hand, Longjumping_Map4121 sarcastically stated, “Literally any character I play with, I eat combos everyday.” This comment suggests that the choice of main character doesn’t necessarily impact gameplay or performance.

Strange Design Choices

BeefStevenson brought up an interesting point by asking, “Why does it have toes…?” This comment shows that some players are confused by the character’s design choices, which may not fit with the overall aesthetic of Tekken.

Mokujin, another character in the game, still has a strong following, according to user Dumb-989. This comment suggests that players have their own preferences when it comes to maining characters and are not easily swayed by new additions.

Compatibility Concerns

Assasin_678 claimed that the new main character, despite its unique design, is more worthy of a slot than Panda, another character in Tekken. This comment highlights the debate among players about the viability of different characters.

Eaglehasyou pointed out that the new main character’s default pose is similar to Jin’s. This comment suggests that some players are concerned about the character’s similarities to existing characters and its place within the Tekken universe.

Final Thoughts

While opinions are divided on the new main character in Tekken, one thing is clear: players have strong feelings about their main choices. Whether it’s a unique design, compatibility concerns, or simply personal preference, the debate continues in the Tekken subreddit.