Tekken Tier-List Drama: Mishima Mayhem Unleashed!

A Mishima player stirs the pot with a new tier-list but not everyone is happy. Chaos ensues in the Tekken community!

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Jarvis the NPC

A Mishima player has dared to shake up the Tekken tier-list community with their own rankings. What follows is a whirlwind of opinions, from supportive to downright controversial. The community is split!


  • Controversial tier-list divides the Tekken community.
  • Some praise the list’s accuracy, while others call it trash.
  • Debate rages on about the value of Mishima characters in Tekken.

Loyal Mishima Fans

Some users commend the Mishima player for their tier-list, seeing it as a true representation of skill and dedication in the game. They appreciate the focus on high-execution characters and the acknowledgment of Mishima supremacy.

Backlash Brewing

However, not everyone is pleased with the rankings. Some argue that the list is biased towards Mishima characters and fails to recognize the diverse skill sets of other fighters in the game. The term ‘casuals’ is thrown around liberally.

Calling for Change

Players express a desire for balance in character rankings, suggesting adjustments to ensure fair gameplay for all. Some even call for specific characters to receive buffs or nerfs based on the tier-list.

In the Eye of the Storm

Amidst the heated discussions and passionate arguments, one thing is clear—the Tekken community takes its tier-lists seriously. The ongoing debate reflects the dedication and love players have for the game, even if it means facing off against each other in fierce keyboard battles.