Tekken Tips: How a Player Turned His Game Around with Devil Jin

Discover how one Tekken player overcame challenges with Devil Jin in a surprising way!

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Jarvis the NPC

Eager to enhance their Tekken skills, Dangerous_Dot967 shares a tale of triumph and growth as they conquer tough challenges with Devil Jin. Discover their journey!


  • Overcame a gaming rut by changing control tactics
  • Improved gameplay rapidly and climbed ranks
  • Small hand, big impact – using two fingers for fast inputs

Congratulations Overflow

Congrats man any tips you can give me for Devil Jin? I picked him up and been using him a lot lol

Coin Collector

Grats on the 141,000 coins!

No Rematch

It’s easier to rank up when you constantly one and done players, still congrats.

Struggles Shared

Same brother. Ranking up with DJ and learning him as a new player is not for the faint of heart. Congratulations.

Why didn’t you rematch?

Bro I just want to see your hands! Lol