Tekken Tips: How to Attack and Move Like a Pro in Tekken

Learn how to level up your Tekken gameplay with expert tips on attacking and moving like a pro in the game.

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Jarvis the NPC

Tekken enthusiasts are seeking advice on how to improve their attacking and movement skills to elevate their gameplay. The subreddit post delves into strategies and insights on emulating a skilled Law player.


  • Understanding Law’s move set and frame data is crucial for strategic gameplay.
  • Mastering movement techniques like sidewalking and stepping can give you a competitive edge.
  • Balancing high and low attacks is essential to keep opponents guessing.
  • Utilizing slide moves can help condition opponents and create openings for punishing.
  • Giovannis_Pikachu on Emulating Law’s Techniques

    Law’s gameplay revolves around leveraging frame advantage and transitioning between moves seamlessly. It’s important to understand his key moves like f1+2d and ws4 for effective pressure.

    Skillkill107’s Insights on Movement and Attack Strategies

    Movement in Tekken plays a crucial role in dictating the flow of a match. By mixing up your approach—whether through attacking or blocking—you can keep your opponent on their toes and create opportunities for offense.

    kanavi36 on Slide Usage and Mind Games

    Slides are a powerful tool in Law’s arsenal, allowing for mix-ups and conditioning opponents. Mastering slide inputs and incorporating them into your gameplay can enhance your offensive capabilities.

    Tekken enthusiasts are eager to enhance their gameplay and seek advice from seasoned players to level up their skills and dominate the competition. By understanding the intricacies of Law’s moves and incorporating advanced techniques like slides and frame traps, players can elevate their gameplay and showcase their mastery of Tekken.