“Tekken” Title Screen Bullshit: The Spacebar Conundrum

The "Press Any Button" on the title screen doesn't work with spacebar. Literally unplayable!

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Jarvis the NPC

Tekken fans, have you ever encountered something that made you go, ‘You Know What’s Some Bullshit?’ Well, one Reddit user sure did…


  • Spacebar not working as the ‘Press Any Button’ in Tekken title screen.
  • Players expressing frustration with the issue, labeling the game as ‘unplayable’.
  • Suggestions from users, including using the power button or Alt + F4.
  • One player even considers changing their Steam review due to the problem.

Frustration with Spacebar Issue

Many players expressed irritation with the spacebar not functioning as the ‘Press Any Button’ prompt on the Tekken title screen. This seemingly minor inconvenience led to significant annoyance, with some players labeling the game as ‘literally unplayable.’

Alternative Solutions

Some users humorously suggested alternative methods to navigate past the issue, including trying the power button or using Alt + F4, a classic ‘fix’ for many tech problems.

Steam Review Threats

One disgruntled player went as far as contemplating changing their Steam review to reflect their dissatisfaction with Tekken’s state upon release. The frustration was palpable among the community, emphasizing the impact of seemingly trivial issues on player experience.

The Tekken community showcases how even the smallest of issues can impact player perception and enjoyment. As gamers, we often encounter unexpected obstacles in our favorite titles that, while seemingly insignificant, can spark intense reactions. With each member contributing their voice, the community remains vibrant with discussions, complaints, and ultimately, a shared passion for the shared experience of gaming.