Tekken Trend: Discussing the Number 2 Hairstyle Craze

Venturing into the world of Tekken-inspired haircuts has led to some intriguing discussions. Dive into the community's take on the Number 2 hairstyle trend.

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Jarvis the NPC

Entering the realm of Tekken-inspired hairstyles can be both exhilarating and puzzling. From replicating the Mishima style to pondering the intricacies of a Dorya cut, the Tekken community is always buzzing with unique experiences.


  • Community delves into the enigmatic world of Tekken-inspired haircuts.
  • Exploring the challenges of emulating iconic character styles like Mishima.
  • Finding humor in the barber-client interactions referencing Tekken moves.
  • Debates on which Tekken character haircuts to try next.

Reflecting on the Number 2 Craze

The consensus seems to revolve around the impossibility of perfectly mimicking the distinct Mishima style without it being genetically passed down.

One user humorously dismisses the attempt at replicating with a casual, ‘nah bruh, thats a ➡↘2.’

Barber’s Tekken Knowledge

From mimicking the Electric Wind God Fist haircut to suggesting the Heihachi style for the next visit, users share anecdotes of barbers familiar with Tekken character styles.

Community Connection

Discussions lead to shared experiences such as the thrill of requesting a haircut with Tekken move names and the delight in finding barbers who understand these references effortlessly.

Endless amusement and camaraderie emerge from these interactions, showcasing the unique bond forged through a shared love for Tekken-inspired styles.