Tekken Troubles: Dealing with Carpal Tunnel from EWGFs

Can Tekken moves lead to carpal tunnel? Find out how players cope with hand strain from EWGFs.

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Jarvis the NPC

Struggling with carpal tunnel syndrome from executing Electric Wind God Fists in Tekken? Several players share their experiences and solutions after pushing their hands to the limit.


  • Pushing your hands too hard in Tekken can lead to serious hand strain and potential long-term issues.
  • Rest and breaks are vital in mitigating the effects of continuous high-intensity training sessions.
  • Switching controllers or characters may offer temporary relief, but careful management of playtime and technique is key.

Players’ Experiences

Henrique_Smallio empathized with the post author, acknowledging that Tekken is not worth injuring oneself over. SleepinwithYelena, advising limited training sessions of 10-15 minutes to manage hand strain, highlighted the importance of rest and self-care to avoid long-term repercussions.

Alternative Solutions

FGmaniac13 suggested practicing a limited number of Electric Wind God Fists per day and maintaining a light touch on the controller to prevent pain. Barelylegalteen emphasized the importance of stopping gameplay when experiencing pain to prevent worsening conditions.

Advice from the Community

redraveni recommended using a mini cast during sleep to aid in recovery, while caprazoppa suggested carpal tunnel stretches to alleviate discomfort. ryan8757 emphasized the importance of wrist stretches and proper ergonomics to build strength safely.

Players shared their struggles with hand strain from intense Tekken practice, emphasizing the need for caution and self-care to avoid long-term injury. With proper rest, technique adjustment, and ergonomic practices, players can continue enjoying Tekken without compromising their health.