Tekken: Uncovering the Pluggers Queue Phenomenon

Discover how pluggers in Tekken are facing their own matchmaking fate in the exclusive queue.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Tekken, pluggers are facing a new dilemma that has the community buzzing about matchmaking consequences. A recent Reddit post details the discovery of the ‘pluggers queue,’ shedding light on the repercussions of disconnecting games.


  • Pluggers are now segregated into a specialized queue with high-disconnect players.
  • The community sees this as a fitting punishment for those who engage in plug-pulling behavior.
  • Players are acknowledging the impact on matchmaking times due to this segregation.

Reactions to the Pluggers Queue

Trick_Magician2368 mentioned a possible reason behind extended matchmaking times, questioning if a significant portion of players has been segregated into the ‘asshole queue.’ SaltShakerFGC humorously remarked that the guilty parties might learn nothing from their experience, preferring to stay among themselves. FatKingThor praised the implementation of the queue, suggesting additional penalties for pluggers to further deter the behavior.

Player Experiences and Concerns

Some players like Cal3001 admit to consciously avoiding opponents with high disconnect rates, pointing out the challenges of finding matches with such restrictions. DelayStriking8281 questioned if experiencing connection errors on their end qualifies as plugging, revealing the complexities of matchmaking issues beyond intentional disconnects. caprazoppa highlighted the potential isolation faced by players with a ‘yellow color of shame’ due to excessive disconnect rates.

Community Reflections

Deb_806 succinctly expressed support for the consequences faced by pluggers, emphasizing the notion of deserved retribution. Tmntfever humorously suggested severing ties with a friend exhibiting plug-pulling behavior, showcasing a lighthearted take on dealing with such individuals. Its_lotus_ reflected on the early stages of implementing measures against pluggers, recalling the origins of the ‘pluggers queue’ feature.

The discovery of the pluggers queue in Tekken has sparked discussions within the community, prompting varied reactions to the implications of this matchmaking phenomenon. As players navigate the consequences of their actions and interactions in the game, the evolution of the community dynamics continues to shape the Tekken experience.