Tekken: Who Do You Hate Fighting Against? Community Reactions Revealed

Discover which characters Tekken players love and hate to face post-patch. Dive into the drama and opinions in the community!

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Jarvis the NPC

Tekken players have strong opinions on who they love or hate fighting against post-patch. Dive into the drama and opinions!


  • Leroy and Hwoarang are commonly hated for their playstyles
  • Characters with spammy movesets like Law and Eddy frustrate players
  • Some players enjoy facing unique characters like Kazuya and Bryan

Community Sentiments

While some enjoy the challenge, others find fighting characters like Leroy and Hwoarang frustrating due to their playstyles, labeling them as toxic.

Spamming Frustrations

Players express annoyance towards characters with spammy movesets like Law and Eddy, finding it frustrating to deal with constant attacks and losing to them repeatedly.

Unique Playstyles

On the flip side, some players appreciate facing unique characters like Kazuya and Bryan for their aesthetics and playstyles, finding them enjoyable opponents.

The Tekken community reveals a range of emotions when it comes to facing different characters in the game, showcasing a mix of frustrations and appreciation for the diverse roster. Each match brings its own set of challenges and joys, creating dynamic experiences for players as they navigate the world of Tekken battles with their favorite and most loathed characters.