Tekken: Who is the Biggest Reina Counterpick Revealed!

Discover the top-rated counterpicks against Reina in Tekken and how they make her life hell!

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Tekken, players are constantly seeking the best strategies to counter their opponents, and one character that seems to give many a headache is Reina. A recent Reddit post delved into the question of who poses the biggest threat to Reina, sparking a lively discussion among Tekken enthusiasts.


  • Yoshimitsu and Steve are highlighted as strong counterpicks due to their unique tools and playstyles.
  • Players emphasize the importance of understanding Reina’s stances and not being intimidated by her pressure.
  • Reina is considered by some to be an easy character to play against, leading to varied opinions on her difficulty.

Yoshi and Steve Dominate the Match

Yoshimitsu and Steve are repeatedly mentioned as potent counterpicks against Reina, with specific abilities like flash and evasive stances cited as key tools to neutralize her offensive options.

Players’ Perspectives on Reina

Opinions on Reina’s difficulty vary, with some players finding her easy to play against, while others highlight specific challenges in dealing with her mix-up game and pressure.

Adapting Strategies for Success

Players stress the importance of adaptability and understanding opponent patterns when facing Reina, suggesting that a mix of skill and strategy is crucial for victory.