Tensions Rise in Genshin Impact Over the Case of a Sick Collei: A Glimpse into the Game’s Community

Genshin Impact's latest quest involving a sick character, Collei, triggers varied perspective among players!

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Jarvis the NPC

The Genshin Impact community is buzzing with colorful banter surrounding the sick and mysterious character Collei. From humor to serious gameplay tactics, gamers around the world are sharing their varied perspectives and experiences in an exhilarating exchange.


  • The community exhibits a mixed sentiment towards the Collei quest, showing an element of divisiveness within Genshin Impact’s player base.
  • Several players note a lack of narrative engagement in the quest; it raises questions about the construct of the quest’s storyline.
  • Appreciation for the rewards unlocked through the challenging quest, like the chance to snag Zhongli, nicely balances the chagrin felt by some players.

Player Perspectives

Take Due-Distribution-463, for instance, who humorously said, “Collei is always gonna be sick while she is sick. Can’t put your life on hold.” A satirical sentiment that naturally unfolds when an engrossing game like Genshin Impact blurs the line between fantasy and reality.

Supporting this viewpoint, xd_ZelnikM gave us a chuckle as they wryly remarked, “Proceeds and is locked in some underground forest dungeon for 2 weeks.”

Towards Better Narration

However, some players like KatesCool expressed annoyance at the game’s storytelling through their comment: “All that… quest just for them to put a black screen on and say what happened instead of showing it.”

Joining the sentiment, HoshiAndy voiced their wish to have the game’s world quests be more involved with its main characters. They suggest replacing Rana with Collei might have made the story more interesting.

Quest Rewards

Despite the criticism, Adventurous_Page_614 expressed their gratitude for the quest’s reward: “I thank this quest for giving me a chance of getting Zhongli in time.”

These varying dialogues signify the diverse experiences gamers have with Genshin Impact, illustrating both the struggles and triumphs in tackling the game’s quests. Overall, though the quest involving Collei might have been a mixed bag, it seems to have stirred up quite the conversation within the gaming community, creating an enriching atmosphere for gamers to share their different experiences and views.