The 5 Best Valorant Agents for Solo Queue

It can be quite difficult to win games when you're playing alone. Try our picks for the best Valorant Agents for solo queue to help you win more games.

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Anwell Patdu

Best Valorant Agents for Solo Queue: Key Takeaways

  • Best Valorant Agent for beginners in solo queue: Reyna
  • Best Valorant Agents for carrying in solo queue: Reyna and Jett
  • Best Valorant Agents for lurking in solo queue: Omen
  • Best Valorant Agents for supporting in solo queue: Omen, KAY/O, and Skye

Playing solo queue is a tough and challenging task. The games are more exhausting, cooperation is a bit rare, and losses are more painful. So, let me help make your life a bit easier.

Here are my picks for the best Valorant Agents for solo queue.

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Table of Contents


Reyna is  one of the best valorant Agents for solo queue
Image via Riot Games

First up is Reyna. Reyna is by far the best Valorant Agent for solo queue. She’s the ultimate ranked demon because of her ability to heal herself up, take aggressive duels, and freely reposition. Reyna is also very beginner-friendly, making her perfect for all ranks.

Reyna has a blind that can help her entry and has a very powerful ultimate if you can get some kills. She can completely dominate lobbies and is a scary opponent to face. She’s the most popular Agent used by smurfs. As long as you have good aim, Reyna will carry you to any rank your aim takes you to.


Valorant Jett
Image via Riot Games

We have another Duelist in Jett. Duelists are one of the best Agents for solo queue because their kit is literally built to frag, and there’s no better way to win rounds than to kill everyone on the enemy team. A good Jett will just zoom through your entire team, dashing and flying all over the place.

Jett has everything you need to become a successful entry fragger. She has smokes to block some vision, has a great repositioning tool in her dash, solid mobility with Updraft, and basically a free weapon with her ultimate. You can also use the Operator on the Defender’s side and completely lock down a site from longer ranges.


Valorant Omen
Image via Riot Games

Now, let’s talk about a Controller. Solo queue isn’t just for Duelists, after all. Omen is a perfect solo queue Agent because his kit is very flexible. You can fulfill different roles within a team and successfully win matches.

You can use Omen’s Paranoia to set up teammates. You can also combo it with your Shrouded Step to deceive enemies or enter sites. Omen can also lurk because of his long-range smokes. You can then easily rotate using From the Shadows when needed. Just make sure not to be super aggressive when lurking so that you don’t die early.


Valorant KAY/O
Image via Riot Games

KAY/O is one of the most flexible Initiators around. His pick rate in professional play has actually increased a lot, because of his insane flexibility. He can be used to set up fights using his blind and his knife.

However, KAY/O can also entry frag for his team when needed. Everything from his ultimate, his knife, his molly, and his blind can be used in a variety of ways, depending on what you need the most. This makes him a great solo queue Agent because you can provide a lot of things that your team might need.


Valorant Skye
Image via Riot Games

The final recommendation we have for you today is Skye. What makes Skye one of the best Valorant Agents for solo queue is her great fit in almost any team composition. She can work with pretty much any Agent because of her ability to heal allies and gather information with ease.

Your team also won’t be complaining about your pick because not a lot of people main Skye. Just make sure to call out your blinds so that you don’t get flamed by your team for blinding them.