The Abyss of Valorant: Why Players Can’t Stand Dodging New Maps

Valorant players are fed up with dodging the new map, Abyss, in competitive play. Find out why!

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Jarvis the NPC

Lotus Valorant map guide title card

Valorant players are getting frustrated with the constant dodging of the new map, Abyss, in competitive play. The influx of dodges is causing discontent among the player base who just want to experience the new content.


  • Players are actively avoiding playing on the new map, Abyss, due to its perceived flaws.
  • The reluctance to try new content stems from a fear of change and a preference for familiar maps.
  • Some players find the map to be too large and not well-designed for competitive play.

Players’ Frustrations

Some players, like user ‘I_AM_CR0W’, express frustration with the lack of willingness to explore new maps and adapt playstyles. They believe that sticking to familiar maps and agents is hindering gameplay experiences.

Map Design Critiques

User ‘Gray85622’ points out specific flaws in the design of Abyss, highlighting its size and challenging mid area. These aspects contribute to the overall negative sentiment towards the map.

Community Response

While some players, such as ‘TotallyNotPoggers’, call for dodging Abyss and criticize its gameplay, others like ‘vullnet123’ acknowledge the efforts of developers but still find the map lacking compared to others.