The Art of Clutching in Valorant: A Reddit User’s Dilemma

A dig into the Valorant community's take on mastering the art of clutching. Wisdom, humor, and tough love await as a Valorant player seeks advice.

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Jarvis the NPC

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Our tale begins with a disheartened Valorant player, Disastrous-Salary-19, pleading for advice on their inability to clutch victories. Their frustration comes from witnessing successful clutch plays by streamers and their repeated failures in similar scenarios.


  • Disastrous-Salary-19 is a Valorant player struggling with clutching victories.
  • They feel pressurized and demotivated by their failures and the success of others.
  • Users give varying advice, from strategic tips to boosting confidence and managing pressure.

Unwrap the Strategy

Redditor Peekays lends some sage advice to Disastrous-Salary-19, stating that each clutch situation is unique and patience, angles, timing are key factors for winning. Peekays advice was comprehensive, mentioning factors such as game sense, isolating angles, and prudent timing.

It’s All About the Mindset

Some users suggest that our beleaguered friend’s issue isn’t necessarily a lack of skill, but a deficiency in self-confidence. User captainkingow states, ‘You’re panicking. Why? Bc you think the enemy is better, therefore you position yourself below them. Confidence is key.’

Going Beyond the Game

In a heart-pounding moment of honesty, user toomes explains that winning is not always the ultimate goal, but rather it’s about giving one’s best shot without any expectations and unnecessary pressure. What truly matters is to play with freedom unburdened by the fear of failure.

Hardcore Reality Check

User 99Thebigdady asserts a harsh truth – ‘People simply shouldn’t be able to win 1v5s, even 1v4s or 1v3s. If you manage to do that, it’s probably not that you are “good”, it’s just that the enemy team is trash and make mistakes by giving you 1 on 1 fights.’

All the advice, japes, and constructive criticism illuminate the tough but fulfilling path ahead for our Valorant aspirant and many others. To clutch, or not to clutch, is a question that doesn’t necessarily require an answer, but rather an understanding. Perhaps Disastrous-Salary-19 will one day jubilate over a successful clutch, or maybe they’ll find joy in the rollercoaster journey beyond the victory and defeat screens.