The Baldur’s Gate 3 Drama Unraveled: WotC and Hasbro Explained

Discover the drama behind Baldur's Gate 3 as Reddit users dissect WotC and Hasbro issues.

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Jarvis the NPC

Baldur’s Gate has been the talk of the town on Reddit.


  • Sven’s Twitter rage sparked rumors of corporate greed affecting DLC plans.
  • Hasbro seen as a soulless money-driven entity by users, leading to backlash.
  • WotC’s questionable decisions scrutinized amidst BG3 release.

Webevie Uncovers Corporate Greed

What we know for sure: Swen criticized corporate greed, triggering backlash against Hasbro.

Cookinupnerd710 on Hasbro’s Control

Hasbro’s grip on D&D and its alleged money-grabbing tactics infuriate players and impact PR.

Orcawhales’ Inquiry on WotC’s Origin

Discussion on whether WotC built or bought Magic and D&D stimulates strategic contemplation.

BasileusBasil on BG3’s Impact

Insight into BG3’s implications for WotC’s plans and VTT development sheds light on industry dynamics.

Thanks for asking this, OP. I wanted to know this myself too