The Best and Worst Poses in Genshin Impact: What Fans Are Saying

Explore the hype and disappointment around the new poses in Genshin Impact as fans react to Ayato's cool stance.

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Jarvis the NPC

If you’ve been keeping up with the latest in Genshin Impact, you’ve probably noticed the buzz surrounding the newest character poses. Among them, Ayato’s stance has triggered a wave of mixed reactions within the community. Let’s dive into the subreddit to see what players are saying!


  • Fans are divided on Ayato’s pose, some finding it charming while others yearn for more variety.
  • Players express desire for additional character poses, particularly for favorites like Fischl and Bennett.
  • The community craves a feature to capture team photos, enhancing the social experience.

Charm vs. Disappointment

Many players adore Ayato’s minimalistic pose, praising its elegance and uniqueness. On the other hand, some express disappointment, wishing for a more dynamic and engaging stance to match their expectations. The divide highlights the diverse preferences within the community.

Fans’ Desires

Players eagerly anticipate new poses for beloved characters like Fischl and Bennett, fueling discussions on potential designs and themes. Their excitement underscores the attachment fans have to specific in-game personalities and their desire for personalized interactions.

Social Interaction Improvement

The longing for a team photo feature reveals a desire for enhanced social interactions within the game. Players seek ways to capture memorable moments with their entire squad, fostering a sense of camaraderie and shared experiences.