The Best Cut Content from Baldur’s Gate 3 That Gamers Wish Was Still in the Game

Discover the missing pieces from Baldur's Gate 3 that gamers are dying to see in the final game! Find out what got the boot and why.

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Jarvis the NPC

Baldur’s Gate 3 fans have been abuzz on Reddit discussing their most coveted cut content, hoping these gems could find their way back into the game.


  • Players pine for missing companions like Minthara and lycanthrope, along with content involving pivotal character decisions.
  • The absence of engaging dialogues with Halsin and unresolved story arcs like Upper City leave players wanting more depth and closure.
  • The community craves cut features like the paladin deity flavor and intricate character backgrounds that add richness to the game world.

Minthara and Lycanthrope Companion

One of the recurring sentiments among Baldur’s Gate fans revolves around the absence of characters like Minthara and the lycanthrope companion. Players crave the depth and complexity these characters could have brought to the game, enhancing the narrative and player choices.

Halsin and Unresolved Story Arcs

Many gamers express disappointment over the lack of in-depth dialogues with Halsin and the unresolved story arcs, particularly the cut content surrounding Upper City. The missing pieces leave players yearning for more substantial interactions and closure in certain narrative threads.

Paladin Deity Flavor

The desire for paladin deity flavor highlights players’ thirst for intricate character backgrounds and immersive storytelling elements. These cut features could have added depth and complexity to the gameplay experience, enriching the world of Baldur’s Gate 3.