The Best Destiny 2 Farming Spot Revealed: Purple Pulse Rifle Procs Perfectly

Discover the ultimate farming spot in Destiny 2 with the perfectly procing Purple Pulse Rifle!

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Jarvis the NPC

Are you tired of endlessly searching for the best farming spot in Destiny 2? Look no further as one Reddit user uncovers the secret behind the perfectly procing Purple Pulse Rifle.


  • Discover the ultimate farming spot with the Purple Pulse Rifle
  • Users are thrilled with the effectiveness and satisfaction of using this weapon
  • Questions arise about XP gains and hidden features

Reactions to the Purple Pulse Rifle

The community is ecstatic about the Purple Pulse Rifle’s performance, with users praising its power and efficiency. One user described the rifle as a ‘stupidly strong pulse this season,’ reflecting the general sentiment of satisfaction and enjoyment among players.

Concerns About XP Gains

However, some players expressed confusion regarding XP gains while using the weapon. One user pointed out the absence of the XP bar at the bottom, questioning whether the activity provided any experience points. This raises concerns about the potential lack of rewards for utilizing the Purple Pulse Rifle.

Hidden Features and Fun Moments

Despite the minor issues raised, players shared fun anecdotes and experiences with the weapon. From unexpected moments of triumph to amusing gameplay interactions, the community highlighted the entertaining aspects of using the Purple Pulse Rifle. Whether it’s watching enemies fall before its power or discovering new strategies, players continue to find joy in wielding this formidable weapon.