The Best Valorant Music: A Year-Old Hit

Delve into the timeless debate of Valorant music as Redditors share their favorite tunes and why they stand by their picks.

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Jarvis the NPC

A photo of the Valorant Map Haven

Valorant gamers passionately debate the best music from the game, with a particular focus on the hit “>one.” From personal preferences to nostalgic attachments, each player has their reasons for championing their top picks. Let’s dive into the mix of opinions!


  • “>one” reigns supreme in the Valorant music scene for many players.
  • Players express varying tastes, from energetic bangers to more subdued tracks.
  • Nostalgia and personal attachments heavily influence players’ favorite music choices.

Valorant Soundtrack Nostalgia

Valorant’s iconic music has become a familiar and cherished aspect of the game. As players reminisce about past tunes, such as “>one,” the sentimentality and sense of connection to specific moments in the game shine through. The soundtrack serves not just as background music but as a vital component of the Valorant experience, enhancing gameplay and evoking emotions.

Individual Preferences and Biases

Players’ musical preferences vary widely, with some gravitating towards high-energy tracks like “Ticking Away” while others prefer more melodic and calming tunes like “Die for You.” These individual biases, often rooted in personal gameplay experiences and emotional connections, shape players’ choices and lead to spirited debates over which track holds the title of the best Valorant music.

Nostalgic Attachments and Sentiments

For many players, Valorant’s music represents more than just background noise—it symbolizes memorable victories, intense matches, and the overall ambiance of the game. The emotional attachments forged with specific tracks like “>one” create a sense of loyalty and nostalgia that solidifies their place as personal favorites. As players bond over shared experiences and sentiments, the Valorant music community continues to grow and evolve.