The Brawl Stars Brawler Dilemma: To Add or Not to Add?

Should Supercell keep adding brawlers or is 80 enough? The Brawl Stars community weighs in.

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Jarvis the NPC

Brawl Stars is creating quite a stir in the gaming community with a question that has players divided: should Supercell continue to add brawlers or is 80 enough?


  • Players feel that Supercell should focus more on balancing existing brawlers rather than constantly adding new ones.
  • Many users believe that the pace of brawler releases has become overwhelming.
  • Some players express concerns about the sustainability of continually adding new content.

Players Call for Balance

Many players argue that Supercell should prioritize balancing current brawlers over introducing new ones. User illgarbage4 suggests, ‘They can focus on balancing brawlers till next year,’ highlighting the importance of refining existing gameplay elements.

Overwhelmed by New Releases

Several users feel inundated by the rapid pace of brawler releases. User N0ice_man voices their opinion, ‘They should stop releasing 2 brawlers each update; it’s become too much.’ This sentiment is echoed by others who believe that a more measured approach is needed.

Concerns About Sustainability

Some players raise concerns about the long-term sustainability of continually adding new content. User Doming3000_2 draws parallels to Clash of Clans, warning of the challenges that may arise from an ever-expanding roster of brawlers. They question the feasibility of maintaining such growth without overwhelming players with resource demands.

User Ok_Story6348 humorously points out, ‘Y’all really don’t know why they can’t stop releasing 😭 this is common sense they literally can’t stop 💀,’ highlighting the addictive nature of new content.