The Brawl Stars Hypercharge Hype: Players Share How Many They Have and Why

An exploration of 'Brawl Stars' gamers' varying numbers of hypercharges and how they got them.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the exciting universe of ‘Brawl Stars’, the community is buzzing about hypercharges. The context of their discussions revolves largely around the quantity of hypercharges each player possesses. Original poster, zoronix, kicked off the discussion by revealing that they have only managed to procure the spike one, with the rest acquired through drops and events.


  • Players ownership of hypercharges varies greatly, ranging from as little as one to upwards of fourteen.
  • Most players apparently acquire their hypercharges either through purchases or luck in drops and events.
  • Some players express frustration over the difficulty in obtaining hypercharges.

Player Insights

ZeroIg89 admitted to having ‘like 7 I believe but only one brawler who is maxed with a hypercharge (Shelly)’. A sense of success is evident in his voice, hinting at diligence and possibly hours of gameplay. You can check his comment here.

Acquisition Methods

Wboy2006 is one player who’s managed an impressive feat, claiming ‘Currently have 8: Shelly, Colt, Jessie, Dynamike, Jacky, Edgar, Spike, Crow. The only one I bought was Edgar’, demonstrating that astute strategizing and taking full advantage of drops and events can lead to an impressive collection. His comment can be found here.

Community Frustrations

Among the voices is Captainabdu65, who lamented ‘Do y’all pay real money for that or just grind that much😭 As of rn I only have one hyper charge, don’t got nowhere near enough coins for another one’, speaking to the struggle and difficulty that some players face in their quest for hypercharges. You can find his comment here.

Despite these shared insights, strategies, and frustrations, the heart of ‘Brawl Stars’ continues to be its vibrant community. Each player’s journey and tactics differ, contributing to the charm of the game. The discussions and shared experiences truly reflect how hypercharges, something so small, can stir up so much excitement and fuel connections within the community.