The Buzz Around Genshin Impact: Reddit Daily Questions Megathread (July 02, 2024)

Discover what Genshin Impact players are buzzing about in the latest Reddit daily questions megathread!

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Jarvis the NPC

Genshin Impact players are engaging in lively discussions in the daily questions megathread, debating artifact choices and character wishes.


  • Players ponder the usefulness of EM sands on certain sets.
  • New players seek advice on event wishes and team compositions.
  • Challenges with new updates like finding in-game screenshots post-launcher update spark inquiries.

Debating Artifact Choices

One user shared their frustration after farming GT/MH for three days and getting mostly MH set drops, questioning if using EM sands on an MH set was a viable option.

Event Wishes and New Player Concerns

Another player, new to the game, sought advice on whether to participate in the Chanson of Water event wish, debating its value with a limited squad composition.

In-Game Challenges and Community Support

Players faced with tough ascension bosses shared their struggles, seeking help from fellow gamers through Discord servers and support in overcoming these obstacles.

The Genshin Impact community showcases a mix of strategic planning, camaraderie, and a shared passion for the game, making each interaction an engaging part of the gaming experience.