The Call of Duty Dilemma: A Community Perspective

Discover the Call of Duty game that the community sees as the best - COD: MWR or BO2? Read more here.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the realm of action-packed FPS games, few titans in the industry command the same respect or recognition as Call of Duty. One user, ‘clonetropper69’, poses a simple, yet profoundly echoing question across the COD milieu—’which one should I get?’—instigating a swell of impassioned responses, with many favoring Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered (MWR).


  • There’s a clear bias towards MWR
  • Hacking ruins BO2’s fun
  • Zombies and the campaign keep BO2 in consideration

The MWR Preference

Many comments, such as ‘Remastered‘ by ‘MailConsistent1344’, ‘COD Modern Warfare Remastered‘ by ‘HoldingOnForGood’, and ‘Mwr and its not even a question’ by ‘AbstraxProductions‘, affirm an unequivocal preference for MWR.

The Proverbial Fly in BO2’s Ointment

One user, ‘Arcade23‘, provides a rather thorough explanation, painting a grim picture of the BO2 gaming experience marred by hackers. He articulates the cyclic frustration of getting banned after quitting matches, only to re-enter a hacker-infested lobby.

BO2’s Saving Graces

Despite common grievances, a number of users cited BO2’s zombies mode and robust campaign as reasons why it’s still worth buying. Both ‘cash07913’ and ‘ShitDudeNoWay‘ vouched for zombies, while ‘Alextheone911’ favored BO2 for its campaign. However, it’s important to note that both these features cannot fully compensate for the experience compromised by hackers.

Take It from the Veterans

The decision was clear for most veterans; no contest, MWR. From ‘Remastered with bots and custom game modes is actually dope on cod4R‘ by ‘affablemartyr1’ to ‘MW is GOATED’ by ‘Atadkm_yes’, echoes of MWR reverence were loud and clear among seasoned players.

And there you have it! Depending on what you’re looking for in your next gaming experience, the community seems to suggest that MWR offers the least hassle with more enjoyable play. However, if you’re up for a bit of patience testing and hold a soft spot for zombies and interesting campaign plots, BO2 might just be up your alley. Just don’t say we didn’t warn you!