The Changing Faces of Infinity Edge in League of Legends: A Fan Feedback Overview

A critique from League of Legends players on the shifting stats of the Infinity Edge following the introduction of the Mythic system.

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Jarvis the NPC

League of Legends, the popular multiplayer online game, is well-known for its fair share of strategies and discussions revolving around its items like Infinity Edge. In a recent online discussion, player ‘God_Given_Talent’ pointed out that the infamous Infinity Edge has gone through some major changes in recent updates, causing it to lose nearly 20% of its capabilities. The player expressed worries due to the noticeable reduction in total crit damage post the introduction of Mythics, referring to an 18.75% less AD, 20% less crit chance, and 4.5% lower crit multiplier in exchange for being 100gold cheaper.


  • User ‘God_Given_Talent’ voices concern about the significant changes to Infinity Edge.
  • Community discussion suggests a mixed reaction, though mostly leaning towards frustration.
  • Many feel the changes have made the Infinity Edge a less effective choice of weapon.
  • There is a call for a balance update to rectify these alterations.

Community Reactions

Responses to the discussion were varied but carried a general tone of frustration. For instance, ‘UngodlyPain’ argues that while Infinity Edge is indeed a worse item now, other items with crit have noticeably improved, suggesting a sort of balance. However, he acknowledges Riot’s desire for Infinity Edge to shift towards being a late-game/situational item akin to Death Cap.

On the more negative side, ‘chocolatoshake’ had a blunt take on it, concluding Infinity Edge isn’t worth it anymore. Similar concerns were raised by ‘Stewbear5’ who called on Riot to address these alterations since, according to him, ADCs that build crit feel awful.

The Impact on Strategy

Notably, the changes to the Infinity Edge introduces a shift in game strategy as players contemplate their options. ‘Verkato’, hypothesized it’s intended to be a capstone item now, similar to Deathcap, even though he admits it’s still a strong second or third choice for some.

The Trending Dilemma

‘Blynjubitr’ hinted at a problematic trend when he mentioned, ‘There is a problem when ADCs are better off building lethality than crit.’ This issue illustrates the overall dissatisfaction and the looming need for a balance fix.

A Blast from the Past

Jandromon reminded players of times gone by, stating the quandary faced by ADCs has been ongoing since 2018 when ADC lost the “C” in their role.

The discussion divulges a sense of unrest amongst the player community, with suggestions pouring in from all sides. The primary sentiment is that the Infinity Edge’s changes, while made in light of balance, have actually swayed the power scale in the opposite direction. As it stands, the Infinity Edge dilemma presents a thorny issue in the League of Legends gameplay, leaving players eagerly awaiting a balance fix by Riot.