The Clash Royale Community Speaks: Deciphering the Mega Knight’s Battle Cry

A lively discussion among Clash Royale users about what the Mega Knight says when he jumps.

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Jarvis the NPC

Every Clash Royale fan knows it well – that guttural yell the Mega Knight emits as he leaps into battle. But what does he really say? Let’s delve into the community’s interpretations.


  • User Martmain initiated the discussion, suggesting the Knight might be shouting “root BEER”
  • Various creative interpretations popped up, highlighting the diverse and humorous Clash Royale community
  • The overall sentiment seemed positive, hinting towards a greatly receptive approach towards in-game audio cues

Humorous Takes and Creative Interpretations

Many users in the community took a light-hearted approach to the inquiry. For example, user Clifford_04 was convinced the Mega Knight was advertising: “BATTLE PAAAAASS!”. Pigeon_of_Doom_ took a more fantastical route, stating the knight is declaring his love: “I LIKE MEEEEEN!”. You can certainly say one thing: the Clash Royale community has quite the sense of humor!

The More Serious Guesses

Not every guess was filled with jest. For example, user No-Basis-1161 was pretty certain that the Mega Knight emulates famed boxer, Mike Tyson, grunting a “Gotcha sucka”. Other speculations took a more analytical approach, like user Honest_Locksmith8021 who interpreted the knight’s cry as “HHHRRRRRMMMMMMMHH”.

The Fan-Favourites

However, there were two theories that garnered the most attention. First up was the suggestion from user fireL0rd3000: a straightforward and expressive “GYAAAAATTT“. The second and the most popular opinion was from Martmain, convinced that the Mega Knight was calling for his favourite beverage: “root BEER”.

In this entertaining collective pondering, the Clash Royale community showcased their creative minds and distinct perspectives. While the true utterance might remain a mystery, it brought the players together in a unique way. As the game continues to evolve, it’s endearing tidbits like this that help foster such a vibrant, engaging community. What do YOU think the Mega Knight yells out? Let me know in the comments below!