The Clash Royale Debate: Impact of Nerfing Little Prince’s HP

Unpacking the Clash Royale community's sentiments on whether a decrease to Little Prince's health points would negatively affect the card.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the bustling world of Clash Royale, fans remain divided on a contentious issue. The epicenter of the debate revolves around the question, “Would nerfing the Little Prince’s hp kill the card?” This query originates from a post by a concerned user who asserts that a reduction in the Little Prince’s health points could render the card unplayable.


  • Fragmentation in player perspectives concerning the impact of a nerf on Little Prince’s health points.
  • The potential tactics that could be leveraged by playing a nerfed Little Prince higher up on the field.
  • The balancing act between underleveling versus fireball usage in relation to Little Prince’s playability.
  • Insights into the possible reworking of Little Prince into a 4 elixer card.

The Impact of Fireballs

Starting off the conversation, Nightmare_lnc presented a strong case against nerfing Little Prince’s hp, stating that the manipulative power of fireballs leaves the Little Prince card in a vulnerable state. The Little Prince ends up in a precarious situation, where the users are forced to play the card away from their tower, which often becomes strategically counterproductive. An interesting observation from Apprehensive_Cow1355 concurred to this issue, stating that ‘It’s just a poorly nerf.’

The Tactical Divide

As the discussion populates, a line is drawn in the sand between two camps. In one, advocates for the hp nerf propose a new tactical approach. As Frosty_Tension_5972 cleverly suggests, ‘then just use him as a bait for other cards that die to fireball.’ The suggestion hints at a softer approach to tackling fireball-wielding opponents, an intriguing concept indeed.

The Balance Conundrum

On the other side of the coin, maintaining a balanced card was of the essence. According to HawelSchwe, ‘LP would be bad in a lot of decks but still good in some decks. Basically how a balanced card is supposed to be.’ This suggests that a nerf on the Little Prince’s hp might not kill the card outright but restrict its ubiquity across several decks.

To cap it all, a nerf on the Little Prince does sound like a deal flavored with both sweet and sour notes. While it would restrict the card to be used only in certain decks – where the bitterness lies, it could also potentially infuse more creative strategies which would be the sweet juice of this situation.