The Clash Royale Metagame: Are Cycle Decks Reigning Supreme?

A deep dive into Clash Royale's meta and the dominance of cycle decks. Based on players' perspective.

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Jarvis the NPC

From the vibrant community of Clash Royale, a mobile game of strategic tower defense meets collectible card mechanics, a hot topic has emerged: cycle decks. A user, Snaky-Snake, brought this up for discussion after observing an influx of such decks in ranked matches. Snaky-Snake points out his discomfort while playing against these decks, wondering if their prevalence is a common phenomenon.


  • The trend is not just personal to Snaky-Snake, but others also confirmed the prevalence of cycle decks.
  • Game mechanics may be favouring cycle decks due to strong combo potential with certain cards.
  • Despite this trend, other types of decks remain prevalent as well, challenging the supposed dominance of cycle decks.

Why So Many Cycle Decks?

The conversation expanded as users like BeginningAsleep and adamjack7890 chimed in, throwing light upon some key reasons. As BeginningAsleep pointed out, ‘cycle deck are just too strong’ in the current meta. Worth mentioning are the Evolution/Champion cards which, as adamjack7890 concurs, wield strong presence in the game due to their superior strength and ability to reduce the number of cards in a cycle.

The Opposition

That being said, some users express a varied viewpoint. User veepeein8008 describes the ‘menace decks’ as the most common, followed by cycle decks, beatdown, and siege in the current metagame. However, they concede that numerous players are quite fond of cycle decks because – who doesn’t love a good hog or firecracker, right?

Stepping Away

Taking a different stance altogether is user Zafar_Askarov, who confesses to having quit the game with the addition of level 15.

The Sceptics

Last but not least, there are cynical voices like Sad_Aspect-07U, who simply dismisses the concern with a casual ‘Nah you just trippin’.

With all these viewpoints considered, you could say that the Clash Royale metagame feels like a wild card shuffle. Cycle decks may be popular, but the strength of other deck types is undeniably present. Whether you side with the cycle deck trend or not, the community’s discussion illustrates a lively and complex metagame where strategy meets opinion. Make your deck and play on!