The Clash Royale Nostalgia Wave: Do The ‘Good Old Days’ Exist Or Is It Just Rose-Colored Goggles?

Looking back on 'good old days' of Clash Royale - the air is filled with nostalgia, but are things really worse now?

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Jarvis the NPC

The golden era of Clash Royale, specifically the period between 2016 and 2019, continues to be a subject of vivid discussion among the game’s most dedicated fans. This retrospection came into light by a poignant post from user Educational-Plan1848.


  • Nostalgia tends to paint a rosy picture of the past and could affect our judgment about the present.
  • Some complain about the current emphasis on profit, with constant deal releases with ever-growing price tags.
  • Others are puzzled about whether the past indeed assured ease in maxing out an account.
  • Many fans reminisce about a time when new cards were released monthly, pointing towards a supposedly “lazier” development team now.

Embracing Nostalgia

User 6lewiz9 reminiscing about the time when the developers were constantly adding new elements to the game, introduced the idea that developers might be getting ‘lazy’, a sentiment not uncommon among older players. It seems that the memory of excitement that came with regular content updates still sparkles in the minds of veterans.

The Economy of Gaming

Player ChonTheAllmighty brought forward the commonly argued fact that in-game purchases, which might seem steep to some, are driven by demand and customer willingness to pay. It raises the question: Has the mission to monetize overshadowed the essence of gameplay?

Was It Easier to Progress Before?

Interestingly, the idea that things were simpler ‘back then’ was questioned by user cocotim who asserted that maxing out an account was actually harder in the past. This stance creates a contrasting perspective, challenging the notion of the ‘good old days’.

The “Noob” Nostalgia

COMlC-SANS offers a unique angle by simply stating that they miss being a ‘noob’ at the game, hinting towards the innocent and unspoiled joy of struggling and learning—a period without the pressure of competitive gaming.

As we look through these rose-colored glasses onto the ‘good old days’ of Clash Royale, it’s essential to distinguish between nostalgia, change, and improvements. Games, as dynamic entities, evolve with their player base, pushing the developers to adapt to the changing tastes and demands of their community. Meanwhile, the Clash Royale subreddit remains a rich vein of candid player perspectives, providing insightful glimpses behind the nostalgia-tinted curtain.