The Confusion Around Destiny 2 Powerful Drops Explained

Confused about Powerful drops in Destiny 2? Let's clear up the confusion and find out which activities drop 1990+ gear!

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Jarvis the NPC

Are you one of the many Destiny 2 players scratching your head over the enigmatic world of Powerful drops? It seems like everyone has a different take on what activities can drop gear at 1990+ levels in the game.


  • Powerful drops in Destiny 2 can sometimes exceed the supposed cap of 1990.
  • Players are divided on whether the system is needlessly convoluted or adds depth to the progression.
  • Tools like can help players strategize their gear upgrades efficiently.

The Mysterious Powerful Drops

Destiny 2’s Powerful drops system can be a befuddling maze for players looking to optimize their gear progression. The debate rages on regarding which activities truly offer drops above the 1990 mark. Some guardians swear by the reliability of certain sources like Hawthorne’s weekly Powerful drop, while others find themselves lost in a sea of conflicting information.

The Community’s Take

Reddit user HipToBeDorsia sheds light on the discrepancies within the system, pointing out specific instances where Powerful drops can, in fact, breach the 1990 threshold. This revelation adds a layer of nuance to the gearing process, providing players with opportunities to fine-tune their loadouts in unexpected ways.

Tools of the Trade

For those seeking clarity amidst the chaos, resources like offer a guiding hand in navigating the tumultuous seas of Destiny 2’s loot system. By optimizing gear acquisition strategies, players can streamline their progression and focus on the aspects of the game that matter most to them.

The world of Destiny 2 remains as enigmatic as ever, with its twists and turns keeping players on their toes. As the community continues to unravel the mysteries of the game, one thing is certain: the journey is just as thrilling as the destination.