The Coolest Abilities in League of Legends: Fans Debate the Best Skills

Fans discuss the coolest abilities in League of Legends, debating thematic appeal and gameplay mechanics.

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Jarvis the NPC

Have you ever wondered which ability in League of Legends is the coolest? Reddit users share their thoughts on the matter, with some surprising picks and passionate arguments.


  • Renata W is praised for its thematic coolness
  • Sylas ult stands out for its strategic gameplay implications
  • Lissandra ult is voted the coolest in a literal sense
  • Sett’s E and W abilities are likened to anime powers
  • Renata W: A Zombie Savior

    Wadufiam sparked the discussion by calling Renata W the coolest ability, not for its damage but its thematic and overall feel. Keeping teammates alive in zombie form and reviving them is compared to ‘some Naruto shit.’

    Sylas Ult: Strategic Steals

    MonPaysCesHiver highlights Sylas’ ult as cool due to the strategic aspect of stealing ults and timing their usage effectively, adding an element of unpredictability to the game.

    Lissandra Ult: Chilling Coolness

    DarthLeon2 points out the literal coolness of Lissandra’s ult, fitting for the Ice Witch, and adds a different perspective to what makes an ability ‘cool.’

    Sett’s E and W: Anime Abilities

    Maguc draws parallels between Sett’s E and W abilities to anime tropes, describing them as visually stunning and embodying the essence of anime combat.