The Curious Case of Bananocrates: Special Interactions in Fortnite

Explore the unique interactions Bananocrates has in Fortnite and how players are reacting to it.

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite players have been buzzing about Bananocrates and the special interactions it has with Peely skins. Could this be the next big thing in the game?


  • Players are excited about Bananocrates’ unique dialogue
  • Some players feel left out if they missed these interactions
  • Suggestions for expanding this feature to other characters

Insights on Bananocrates

Many players find the Bananocrates interactions with Peely skins amusing and entertaining, adding a quirky charm to the game.

Player Reactions

Some players express disappointment for missing out on the Bananocrates interactions, especially those who mainly use Peely skins.

Community Ideas

There are suggestions from the community to extend these special interactions to other characters, enhancing the overall gaming experience.