The Curious Case of Nightingale: Why Won’t She Leave?

Exploring Reddit's Nightingale subreddit reveals mixed feelings about a persistent character.

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Jarvis the NPC

Have you ever encountered a character in a game who just wouldn’t leave you alone? Nightingale seems to be that character for some players, as they share their amusing experiences and frustrations on the Nightingale subreddit.


  • Nightingale’s persistent presence prompts mixed reactions
  • Players share humorous anecdotes and frustrations with Nightingale
  • Some see her as a helpful companion while others find her annoying

Feature or Bug?

Some players view Nightingale’s constant presence as a quirky feature of the game rather than a flaw. They speculate on potential future developments that could make her more useful, adding a touch of humor to the situation. However, others see her as an unwelcome interdimensional stalker, causing more trouble than assistance. The ambiguity of her purpose sparks lively discussions among players.

The Interdimensional Sleeper Agent

One player humorously suggests that Nightingale might be an interdimensional sleeper agent, carrying out mysterious tasks that disrupt gameplay for others. This interpretation adds a layer of intrigue to her character, turning her seemingly innocent actions into a potential conspiracy. The idea of her allegiance to a secretive organization adds a new perspective to players’ interactions with her.

Follower Frustrations

While some players appreciate having a companion like Nightingale by their side, others find her presence more irritating than helpful. Complaints about her behavior, such as getting in the way or causing inconvenience during gameplay, highlight the challenges of integrating NPCs into a player’s experience. The struggle to control her actions adds a comedic element to players’ interactions with her.