The Current State of Last Epoch Online Mode: A Deep Dive into Player Sentiments

Discover what players think about the online mode in Last Epoch and whether the issues have improved or worsened.

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Jarvis the NPC

Last Epoch players discuss the current state of the online mode, contemplating whether recent updates have addressed earlier issues or introduced new complications. Some are optimistic, while others remain cautious.


  • Players express varied experiences with Last Epoch’s online mode stability.
  • Some commend the developers for swift improvements post-launch.
  • Issues like desynchronization and latency persist for certain users.

Player Experiences: Stability Post-Launch

Following the tumultuous 1.0 release, players offer contrasting views on the current online experience in Last Epoch. While some, like Crowfields7, note significant improvements in stability, others, such as Busy-Understanding93, encounter persistent desync issues that affect gameplay.

Developer Response: Swift Fixes and Communication

Magiktop highlights the developers’ transparency and quick response after the initial launch struggles. The community appreciates clear communication and explanations regarding server issues, fostering trust in the team’s dedication to resolving technical challenges.

Anticipating Future Changes: Hope and Caution

While Winter_Ad_2618 and —Beck— report smooth online experiences, kryniu113 remains cautious, anticipating potential server strain with the release of 1.1 due to increased player numbers. Others, such as swiftmaster237, point out ongoing technical issues affecting gameplay.

The community remains divided on the efficacy of recent updates in addressing online mode concerns. As players navigate through varying experiences, the anticipation for the 1.1 release looms large, embodying a mix of hope and skepticism.