The Everlasting Influence of League of Legends on Other MOBAs

Unraveling the success ingredients that make League of Legends a template for other MOBA games

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Portal Staff

In the dynamic world of MOBAs, ‘League of Legends’ has stood tall, consistently captivating gamers with its immersive gameplay. This article delves into a post made by Reddit user, ‘Ok-Connection-2442’, dwelling on LoL’s success elements and how they’ve become a fixture in other MOBA games.


  • Post investigates the successful video game mechanics that League of Legends introduced and were subsequently imitated by other MOBA games.
  • Users share divergent views, suggesting that LoL’s accessibility, visual appeal, community support, and F2P model contributed significantly to its success.
  • The post incites a rich discussion on how game development often entails borrowing and refining existing concepts.

The ‘League Effect’

As reflected in the community’s response, the success of LoL is multilayered. Many players, like ‘Unknown_Warrior43’, believe that the ease of accessibility and a solid free-to-play model made it a hit among gaming enthusiasts. It was simple enough to attract newbies, yet had a high skill ceiling for pro gamers.

Influence Beyond Gameplay

While several elements were pointed out as reasons for LoL’s success, certain comments insinuate that its influence extends beyond gameplay. ‘bingbongzingzongz’ pinpointed that elements such as ward skins, emotes, and lobby icons seen in other games are traces of League. The unique LoL character designs and sound effects also made it stand out.

Tone and Style Holding Sway

‘Weedwick’ offered another perspective, attributing the success to the game’s responsive nature and its charming, cartoony graphics. Both elements helped to attract new players and keep them hooked. The lighthearted, comedic tone was also instrumental in making the game more appealing.

When it all comes together, the evergreen success of LoL appears to be a combination of gameplay, visuals, sound, community, and just good old fashioned fun. This concoction brings players into the League universe and keeps them there, and unsurprisingly, other MOBA games want to replicate the recipe. It’s Leaguing, not merely gaming.