The Evolution of Tormentors in Destiny 2: Then and Now

Exploring the evolution of tormentors in Destiny 2, from classic Smosh references to today's meme sound bites.

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Jarvis the NPC

Discussing the evolution of tormentors in Destiny 2 and how the community views them now compared to earlier days.


  • The changing perception of tormentors over time reflects advancements in game design and player experiences.
  • The arenas in Destiny 2 have played a significant role in shaping players’ interactions with tormentors.
  • Player strategies and loadouts have evolved to better counter tormentors, impacting the overall gameplay experience.

Community Sentiment

Destiny 2 players fondly recall classic Smosh references and early YouTube humor intertwined with meme culture, reflecting on the nostalgia they bring.

Many players attribute the decreased fear of tormentors to improved arena design in Destiny 2, allowing for easier escapes from these challenging foes.

Players showcase creative strategies and weapon choices to deal with tormentors, emphasizing the evolving meta and player adaptability within the game.

Gameplay Experiences

Guardians share humorous anecdotes of facing tormentors for the first time, highlighting the mix of fear and excitement these encounters evoke.

The community discusses how specific weapons like Thunderlord have become popular choices for melting tormentors quickly, altering gameplay dynamics.

Players express admiration for skilled gameplay moments, such as vaporizing tormentors with powerful weapons, creating memorable in-game experiences.

Player Creativity

The creativity and humor displayed by players in countering tormentors add a layer of enjoyment and uniqueness to each gaming session.

The diverse gameplay styles and strategies employed by players showcase the depth and complexity of encounters with tormentors in Destiny 2.

Engagement with in-game challenges like tormentors fosters a sense of camaraderie and shared experiences among Destiny 2 players, enhancing the overall community interaction.